SIMS Journey has come to and end! 

The SIMS project has now officially ended the 30 of April 2020.


It has been 3 fantastic years. Of course with a lot of challenges but in the end with a lot of great experience and knowledge achieved. The vision for the project is to create a long lasting impact on the way we test and demonstrate new technology and solutions for the mining industry. This to be  achieved with a consortium from mining companies, equipment and system suppliers and universities.

To summarize, I will say that we have fulfilled the vision of the project and we can see the great opportunities with this type of collaboration projects. The project has performed a lot of technology development and successful demonstration within real mining environment. The interest in our projects has also been very high and that is also a proof of what the project has achieved is very important and taking the mining industry closer to an even more sustainable industry. During this project we have develop a great collaboration and “team feeling” and that is something that very valuable for future collaborations which we are looking into.


I would like to take this opportunity to say thanks to all involved partners and persons within the project and also most important all persons and companies that have showed interest in our project along the way.


Thanks and watch out for “NEXGEN- SIMS”


Jan Gustafsson – Project Manager SIMS

Great news that NEXGEN SIMS team has successfully passed the first application phase in the creation of a new project. We are now focusing on the next step in the application with the ambition to continue our work towards an even more sustainable mining industry.


Watch out for more upcoming news about this project application!

Jan Gustafsson - Epiroc

Jan Gustafsson - Epiroc

SIMS Project Manager

For questions regarding the SIMS project or SIMS NEXGEN, feel free to use the contact field to reach out! 

12 + 15 =

It has been a good run for the consortium! We are both proud and happy about the results that the first project enabled.

Feel free to look around at the SIMS memorial website for stories from every part of the project. You can also download the VR experience and visit the SIMS mine first hand.

All the best from all of the SIMS consortium!